- EAN13
- 9782100853021
- 978-2-10-085302-1
- Éditeur
- Dunod
- Date de publication
- 12/07/2023
- Collection
- Hors Collection
- Nombre de pages
- 240
- Dimensions
- 24 x 17 x 1,8 cm
- Poids
- 474 g
- Langue
- anglais
- Fiches UNIMARC
- S'identifier
Luxury and digital
The new frontiers of luxury
De Éric Briones (dit Darkplanneur)
Hors Collection
Autre version disponible
No doubt the digital disruption enforced by the pandemic – with its closed shops and empty streets – will be remembered as an unprecedented turning point for luxury brands. Farewell to the brick-and-mortar model, long live Web3 and its new territories: IA, Metaverse, NFTs and blockchains!
The moment was exhilarating, the rebound and resilience of the market spectacular. Luxury brands set sail in pursuit of their exiled online customers and got the lead out. This meta-luxury ambition has a lot to offer, new practices and ideas are emerging every day and the touch points are multiplying, creating a wealth of opportunities. This Luxury 3.0 advocates for a more personalised, fluid, intuitive but also engaged, sustainable and transparent customer experience. These demands are the new performance indicators for luxury brands.
Published in English for the first time, Luxe & Digital brings together the views and expertise of the largest panel of digital and luxury giants ever assembled to date. Their objective is twofold: to guide you through the new digital frontiers, and to invite the luxury sector to be resilient in the face of today’s and tomorrow’s digital transformations.
With the exceptional participation of Arianee, Bain & Company, Bird&Bird, Breitling, Catchpoint, Comité Colbert, Contentsquare, DressX, Epsilon France, Exclusible, Farfetch, Google, HUB Institute, Hylink, IFOP group, Launchmetrics, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mira, Onepoint, Printemps, Salesforce, Sotheby’s France, The Sandbox, Twitter, Ykone.
The moment was exhilarating, the rebound and resilience of the market spectacular. Luxury brands set sail in pursuit of their exiled online customers and got the lead out. This meta-luxury ambition has a lot to offer, new practices and ideas are emerging every day and the touch points are multiplying, creating a wealth of opportunities. This Luxury 3.0 advocates for a more personalised, fluid, intuitive but also engaged, sustainable and transparent customer experience. These demands are the new performance indicators for luxury brands.
Published in English for the first time, Luxe & Digital brings together the views and expertise of the largest panel of digital and luxury giants ever assembled to date. Their objective is twofold: to guide you through the new digital frontiers, and to invite the luxury sector to be resilient in the face of today’s and tomorrow’s digital transformations.
With the exceptional participation of Arianee, Bain & Company, Bird&Bird, Breitling, Catchpoint, Comité Colbert, Contentsquare, DressX, Epsilon France, Exclusible, Farfetch, Google, HUB Institute, Hylink, IFOP group, Launchmetrics, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mira, Onepoint, Printemps, Salesforce, Sotheby’s France, The Sandbox, Twitter, Ykone.
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